Carly Rae Jepsen ft Justin Bieber - Beautiful

Hello.. Selamat siang! Gue mau ngeshare lirik lagu nih :) gue lagi suka sama Carly Rae Jepsen. Yap! Dia penyanyi yang dikenal dengan lagu "Call Me Maybe" gue suka banget sama dia, udah cantik, suaranya bagus, lagunya keren. TOP banget deh~

Gue mau ngeshare lagu Carly Rae Jepsen featuring Justin Bieber yang Beautiful. Lagunya bagus, liriknya easy untuk di dengerin. Gue pengen ngeshare MV nya tapi belom keluar di youtube, jadi share Audio aja ya..
So.. coba kalian denger lagunya sambil dibaca dan dimengerti  liriknya♥

I know, I know it's been a while
I wonder where you are, and if you think of me
Sometimes, 'cause your always on my mind
You know I had it rough, trying to forget you but
The more that I look around, the more I realize
You're all i'm looking for

What makes you so beautiful, is you don't know how beautiful you are to me
You're not trying to be perfect
Nobody's perfect, but you are, to me
It's how you take my breath away
Fill the words that I don't say
I wish somehow, I could say them now
Oh, oh, I could say them now, yeah
I could say them now, yeah

Just friends, the beginning or the end
How do we make sense
From we're on our own
It's like you're the other half of me
I feel incomplete, I should've known
Nothing in the world compares to the feelings that we share
So not fair

What makes you so beautiful, is you don't know how beautiful you are to me
You're not trying to be perfect
Nobody's perfect, but you are, to me
It's how you take my breath away
Fill the words that I don't say
I wish somehow, I could say them now

Oh, it's not you, blame it all on me
I was running from myself
Cause I couldn't tell how deep that we
We were gonna be
I was getting stress of me, but it hurts like hell
Hope it's not too late, just a twist of faith

What makes you so beautiful, is you don't know how beautiful you are to me
You're not trying to be perfect
Nobody's perfect, but you are, to me
It's how you take my breath away
Fill the words that I don't say
I wish somehow, I could say them now
Oh, oh, I could say them now, mmm


22 komentar

  1. carly rae jepsen ya. aku juga suka sama dia. lagunya juga enak enak apalagi yang call me maybe itu

    1. Hey i just meet you~ and this is crazy~ ♪♫
      aaaaaahhh aku juga suka♥ Lagi ngepens sama Carly nih

  2. kakak juga seneng lagunya yang ini <3

  3. gue malah gatau lagu ini. -____-

  4. baru denger sekali udah seneng lagunya, tapi salah menurut gue kalo ft-nya sama itu. ga banget :P

    1. Why? Ada apa dengan Justin Bieber? takut kalah saing pasti :p

  5. Duh, sayangnya ku gak kenal apalagi pernah dengar lagunya Carly.. Ya.. ini adalah efek turunan dari ketidak terlalusukaan saya dengan lagu-lagu cewek.. *emang dasarnya jarang dengerin musik*

  6. gue mah tau lagunyacarly palingan yang call me maybe._. yang ini belon sempet dengerin wkwkwk xD

  7. lagu manca?
    untung gak ada di hape dan PC ku hahahah
    karena saya sama skali gak suda lagi manca nduk heheh

  8. carly rae ya... aku belum tau lagunya :'(

    belum trtarik sih :D

  9. wah cantiknya sih uo uo uo uo uo

  10. Baru denger di sini, enak juga yaaa hihihi. Salam kenal ya Febie ;)


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